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Félkész gondolatok, naplózás (dokumentálás), jegyzetelgetés magamnak és a munkatársaimnak. Zeekrewards: www.startnap.com/zeekrewards NetSzemle: www.netszemle.hu - Hiteles személyes tapasztalatok Freeland: www.startnap.com/freeland A pizsamás vállalkozó: www.kmgl.blog.hu

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Tudtok magyar nyelvű szabályzatról (fordításról)?

2012.06.09. 22:07 NetSzemle - Hiteles személyes tapasztalatok

Ezek a sorok pl. a cég hivatalos oldaláról, a "Legal" menüponttal elővarázsolhatóan olvasható. Ezt pl. már lefordította valaki magyarra? Fontosnak tűnik, hogy a benne foglaltakk mindenki még a belépés előtt tisztába legyen:

Important Legal Stuff!
No specific level of income is guaranteed. Any reference to specific levels of earning on this web site are for the purpose of explaining the compensation plan only and are not projections. Your actual income will depend upon the success of your marketing efforts and of those you introduce to the program and on the overall profitability of the company. Income is derived solely from the sale of products and/or services to end users. There is no compensation for recruiting. Affiliates may qualify to participate in the compensation plan without making a product purchase by making a sale to a customer. Customers may buy our products without participating in the compensation plan.

* A Qualified Affiliate" is a Preferred Customer or Representative who is currently enrolled in one of our monthly Premium Business Center subscription plans (Silver, Gold or Diamond), has enrolled Retail Customers or joined the Customer Co-op, has given away a minimum of 10 Zeek Sample Bids as samples, and has placed a qualifying advertisement for Zeekler.com for the current 24 hour period and submitted it through his or her ZeekRewards back office. Affiliates who have not yet qualified can earn retail profits while they watch their Bonus Points grow daily, however only Qualified Affiliates can qualify to earn daily retail profit-share awards.  

VIP ProfitPoints are paid by the company based on your Personal Volume (VIP Bid sales and purchases). From time to time the company may add Bonus Points to your totals during special incentive offers. Bonus Points are also provided to new affiliates so that they can experience the process without the necessity of making a sale or purchase. Bonus Points are tracked separately from VIP ProfitPoints. Bonus Point awards cannot be withdrawn as cash. Once you have received additional Bonus Points equaling the number you were given then the original amount drops off and the remainder becomes VIP ProfitPoints. You may then begin withdrawing cash commissions on the future daily VIP ProfitPoints if you choose.


The company does not offer any guarantee of income to any Affiliate. Income is earned through the dedicated efforts of Affiliates making sales and good old fashioned hard work. Rex Venture Group, LLC guarantees to deliver any and all products or services sold to each purchaser in a timely manner. Cash Reward projections are based on expected revenues. Affiliates are strongly advised to only make purchases that they can afford without creating a financial hardship for themselves or their families.


IMPORTANT: The following paragraph MUST BE READ ALOUD whenever the ZeekRewards compensation plan is presented verbally or by telephone, or included in it's entirety when communicating in writing:


"If you make a purchase from ZeekRewards you are purchasing a SUBSCRIPTION for a Premium Business Center or you are purchasing Zeek Sample bids for giving away to your customers. You are NOT purchasing stock or any other form of "investment" or equity. You MUST actually use the bids that you purchase or give them away as samples to help grow your business. Affiliates who present our products to others in a misleading manner or in a way that leads the buyer to believe he or she is making an investment or purchasing equities will be terminated and all commissions and awards will be forfeited. Buyers MUST read the entire How It Works and Get Paid pages on the ZeekRewards website and the Legal Disclaimers."

Automatic translations by Google Translate are provided for your convenience, however, the English Terms and Conditions are authorative and binding. If there's ever a conflict in meaning between languages, the English version shall be considered authoritative.

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