Sajnos elszaporodtak a spamek a youtube-on: minden nap jön 2-3 ehhez hasonló "dicséret", amelynek a végén valamilyen látogatottságnövelő oldalt trekláznak, kéretlenül. El sem olvasom már őket, időnként törölgetek, de nagyon zavaró, hogy lassan minden 5. levél az érdemi, pl. komment valamelyik videóhoz, és a többi ilyen baromság. Vagy van valakinek jobb védekezési módszere, mint a semmi, ami nekem van?
About Your New Video
Hi there,
I stumbled across some of your videos today and I have to say they were great.
The one thing that really struck me was that you weren't getting many views.
I am always amazed how good videos can get so few views when some of the other crap gets millions.
Your vids were some of the first that I could stand to watch once, let alone twice!
It just seems like so many people would rather watch boring old junk than something fresh and lively.
I've used up enough of your time, but I just wanted to quickly tell you about this great service I used when I was having problems getting views myself. You can find them here,
tubetrafficmembership . com
The service is a great way to get your YouTube channel noticed by the community. They basically send a ton of view to your videos so that they climb higher in the search engine.
If you try it right now it won't eve... tovább
Hi there,
I stumbled across some of your videos today and I have to say they were great.
The one thing that really struck me was that you weren't getting many views.
I am always amazed how good videos can get so few views when some of the other crap gets millions.
Your vids were some of the first that I could stand to watch once, let alone twice!
It just seems like so many people would rather watch boring old junk than something fresh and lively.
I've used up enough of your time, but I just wanted to quickly tell you about this great service I used when I was having problems getting views myself. You can find them here,
tubetrafficmembership . com
The service is a great way to get your YouTube channel noticed by the community. They basically send a ton of view to your videos so that they climb higher in the search engine.
If you try it right now it won't eve... tovább